Soil Health Resources
On nearly 2 acres, we endeavor to grow and learn with, through, and alongside the plants and soil. This journey is to cultivate healthy, thriving soil as the basis for lush, nutritious, and resilient plants, and beyond to flourishing animals (including us - humans), and clean water and air.
Trees and plants grow in the soil, but it is more than just a medium. It is a living ecosystem, capable of providing the essentials of life to plants and animals.
Soil Health is defined by the USDA as "the continued capacity of soil to function as a vital living ecosystem." Soil function is the ability of soil to cycle nutrients and water. 85%-90% of nutrient cycling is through biology, so without living soil, it is unable to function properly.
Soil Health Principles are essential to have a healthy, thriving agricultural system. We've put together a list of resources that will help you learn more about their importance.
NRCS Soil Health
The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides farmers and ranchers with financial and technical assistance with the goal of helping the environment and agricultural operations, as well. They are also a great source for information on soil health.​
MN Soil Health Coalition
The MN Soil Health Coalition is an organization that is dedicated to producer driven education, outreach and adoption utilizing information exchange to promote the principles of soil health.​
Web Soil Survey
The Web Soil Survey provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey.​
Soil surveys can be used for general farm, local, and wider area planning.
Sustainable Farming
Association of MN
The SFA of MN advances environmental stewardship, economic resilience, and strong, diverse communities through farmer-to-farmer networking, education, demonstration, and research.​
They are also big proponents for good soil health.
On Pasture
Online Magazine
On Pasture is a subscriber and sponsor supported weekly, online magazine for grazers. We think it has a lot of great information for those interested in soil health.
Symphony of the Soil
Symphony of the Soil is an artistic exploration of the miraculous substance soil. By understanding the elaborate relationships between soil, water, the atmosphere, plants, and animals, we come to appreciate the complex and dynamic nature of this precious resource.