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  • HDT Team

Grateful Gathering 2018

On Thursday, November 8, we gathered at Bites Bar and Grill for our annual holiday party. Our crew ate scrumptious hors d’oeuvres, laughed at the great games provided by Janis & Shirlee, snacked on delicious desserts made by Bites owner, Wendy, and then counted our blessings, one by one.

Door prizes were handed out for those that could guess how many beans were in a jar and we even played a form of HDT Jeopardy, to the delight of all participating.

A big thank you to the party planners, Janis, Shirlee, and Chris. I look forward to this night every year. Another success!


Poor Chris G. had to count out over 3,000 kidney beans. That poor guy!


Shirlee & Janis playing as emcees during the fun night.


Chris and Michelle G. all smiles.


Colin and Amy M. happy to be out of the house.


Jim and Audra C. posing for a picture between stories.


Quinn, Wayne, and Roy.


Robert and Janis discussing how much fun they’re having.


Robert and Terri share a laugh.


Paul shows off his door prize (a game night in!)


Rochester, only 19, won a gift basket of vodka and tequila. He quickly exchanged it for the game night prize. 🙂


Quinn and Roy show off their door prize of coffee from Stonehouse Coffee in Nisswa.


Dan and Michelle show off their door prize of a movie night at Bear Pause Theatre in Hackensack.


Being thankful is the reason for this event.

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