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  • HDT Team

Love Water Not Oil Riders Make a Stop on Campus

On Friday, August 3rd, the Honor the Earth Riders made a stop on their journey west to east, trailing where a proposed oil pipeline is scheduled to be laid. With much delicious food and lots of uproarious music, the group made their stop on campus for their third straight year. You can find out more on their site,


Honor the Earth is a group that brings awareness to the way water is used. They are currently dedicated to stopping any oil line going through their lands.


Kerri, from the Celtic duo Sister Tree, takes a moment to tune her fiddle before playing.


A potluck dinner brought people from all around.


Protesters ride their horses along the proposed pipeline location to draw awareness to how delicate in which our water ecosystem lies.


Kerri and Dee of Sister Tree brought the beat and harmony


There was plenty to do and see at the concert.


Citizens were engaged with discussion and dialogue concerning all sorts of things.


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