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  • HDT Team

Growing Indoors: A Revisit

Trying to stay safely distanced from everybody is the name of the game nowadays. But, don’t worry! We’ve got a few ideas to help you stay productive, energized, and positive. March is the time where getting the garden started sounds like a good idea. However, with cool temperatures and snow still on the ground in Minnesota, you’re choices to get started are limited to pretty much indoors.

In the hope of using your self distanced time for something constructive, here are four past blog articles that can help you with some ideas on creating your very own indoor garden.

gutter garden

Our first blog post features some easy DIY indoor gardening ideas. Purchasing seeds is still available through catalog and online, so don’t let self-quarantine stop you from getting your green on.

In the second blog post, we touch on how to improve the gutter system and why it’s beneficial to add an automatic watering system.

In this article, we give some tips on the most easy indoor gardening systems to build: the windowsill garden. While they are tiny, but effective, you can make some delicious meals with your sill herb garden and also add a touch of color to your kitchen by adding orchids with almost zero effort.


If you’re still looking for some help on making your own indoor garden, check out our last article, which covers 5 very easy methods to green your indoor space. From adding zero effort succulents to entry level veggie pots, you’ll find something to get you going.

That’s what we’ve got for indoor gardening ideas, but if you have anything you’d like to share with us, we will make sure to let everyone know about it. We love spreading the love of gardening!


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