Back to Basics
B2B Enthusiasts & Sponsors
Are you interested in sponsoring this event? We have a variety of sponsorship levels to choose from! Learn more about opportunities to sponsor through the online form (including online payment) below. Note: Sponsorships received by November 15, 2024 will be included in all event promotion. We could not do this event without community support - Thank You!
Supporters & Promoters
We rely on the help of many! Friends of Back to Basics have long offered feedback and suggestions that have helped shape the event over the years. They continue to spread the word through sharing with family and friends. Join them, help share about B2B!
B2B Enthusiasts
These are presenters, vendor/exhibitors, participants, and community members who choose to give a little extra to B2B on their registration. This money is used in future B2B events. Consider signing up this year to help us keep this unique educational event affordable for everyone. You can choose to become a B2B Enthusiast on the Presenter, Vendor/Exhibitor, or Participant Registration when you sign up! You will receive recognition at the event!
There are many jobs to do at Back to Basics! We appreciate folks who are willing to help us make this event happen for our community. Volunteer jobs include helping with participant check-in, lunch duties, beverage stations, composting, collecting door prizes, and more. Volunteer for just 2 hours and you'll get a B2B t-shirt and a free lunch! Volunteer for 4+ hours and you'll get a t-shirt, lunch, and the option to attend workshops or choose some additional HDT swag!